Just Transition for All


Just Transition Insights, Issue #14, 04/24/2023

Leading Off: Deeper Dive On New Zealand Last month, we looked at the question of whether so-called “free trade” offered a high wage path for New Zealand and, thus, would be a component of a “high bar” Just Transition. The Just Transition discussions in New Zealand—or Aotearoa, the Māori-language name for New Zealand—are a bit […]

Just Transition Insights, Issue #13, 04/10/2023

Leading Off: This Grocery Bag Is Missing A Staple We’re going a bit deeper here, and highlighting for our newsletter subscribers, a recent blog post because it’s crucial to understand a dynamic at play whenever we think of Just Transition. There are two levels of debate to pay attention to: one that is really a […]

DATELINE—EUROPE-U.S.: The Missing Piece In A “Buyers Club”

We’ve been following the back-and-forth spat across the Atlantic pond between the members of the European Union and the United States over subsidies offered by the U.S. in the Inflation Reduction Act to “Made-in-America” products, especially in the electric vehicle space. Now, there’s talk of forming a EU-U.S. so-called “buyers club” for critical materials used […]