Just Transition for All

A 2019 briefing paper which finds, among other results, that efficient and effective use of available funds for regional transition strategies are crucial to create economic perspectives and ensure social stability in regions. [Originally posted at https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/resrep21748.pdf]
A paper which argues that the only means of making the transition to low carbon just is by creating jobs for the affected coal miners. [Originally posted at https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/74636430/Just_Transition_South_Africa-libre.pdf?1636892183=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DHow_can_the_transition_to_a_low_carbon_e.pdf&Expires=1672091274&Signature=TVPqhWHH-5iRxcAzUmh-JvTjYEY7MaUKpyO7gmxXWUaSlJkJEVnjEBW4AkyS4Vl2MnX8NhqSM1WHWwyPLi69O1XRbPJzACUJXN7eqMZoUi6noMRaMXBswEi7okqBDZlVi41ZgTdfEgc90GLKvaMmNZmtkup7~DH4QhIuADWggGU2PN49PvH~4wEBmDzjmSKYP7ZPQpdIgIYrCZ~6zkAfl4SoAZh~8Sg0Q4lKjR-zkcBK0ZN8gywK3R095IkgE365EkPP9sJZr-zgw0mAltTTMSh7T5-S2AP2P1Jm88fZK6JjPIBxJq79xH-aQrfm3PPj3E4Wnnem~HQ6BGNelIPeIA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA]
A 2022 research which is based on a single-case study of the Ustecky region, in which data was collected based on desk research. A theoretical framework on the potential of cross-border cooperation (CBC) to mitigate the socio-economic challenges was developed, which was applied on the case of the Ustecky region with the help of document analysis. The analysis concluded that CBC can contribute in various ways to mitigate the socio-economic transition challenges, especially in regards to regional competitiveness and funding. [Originally posted at http://essay.utwente.nl/92166/]
A 2021 article which discusses issues related to the circular economy ideas applied to post-industrial facilities and infrastructure in Polish coal-mining areas. The aim of the article is to indicate directions for sustainability-oriented actions on reusing the remnants of closed mining plants and reshaping the areas which will be transformed under the 'just transition' principles. [Originally posted at https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/1/167]
A 2021 paper which aims to highlight the challenges posed by the Just Transition Mechanism in two selected Polish transition territories (Upper Silesia and Bełchatów Basin). [Originally posted at https://www.mdpi.com/2073-445X/10/10/1072]
A 2022 paper which consists of an exploratory study which seeks to build a multi-criteria index to assess the vulnerability and the readiness of regions affected by the energy transition, based on data collected from six Romanian affected regions. [Originally posted at https://sciendo.com/article/10.2478/picbe-2022-0108]
The restructuring of the Silesian economy is a long-term process which has started in the 1990s. It includes not only a gradual phase-out of coal mining but also much broader sectoral realignment from traditional industries towards modern manufacturing and services, in line with a broader transition which Poland has been undergoing since abandoning centrally planned economy and launching the process of integrating with the European Union. Today, these processes are already advanced, but significant challenges remain. 2021 is a crucial year for charting further transition pathways for the region, as two stakeholder processes are set to conclude in the coming months. The first one is the preparation of Territorial Just Transition Plan, and the second is developing mining restructuring strategy. [Originally posted at https://journals.ub.ovgu.de/index.php/NFL/article/view/2013]
A 2021 book which assesses the coal industry, theoretical debates about coal, and government’s role in a 'just transition' and sustainability. [Originally posted athttps://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-coal-and-energy-in-south-africa.html]
A 2019 paper which analyses potential social impacts in a concrete case: the planned transition from coal to hydrogen-based steelmaking in the Swedish steel industry. [Originally posted at https://lucris.lub.lu.se/ws/files/94761821/Vogl_Rootz_n_Svensson_2019_A_just_transition_towards_a_coal_free_steel_industry_Copy.pdf]
A 2021 article which elucidates how actors at the intersection between inner- and supra-regional discourses respond to and shape complex, spatially and morally diverging justice claims in the tension field between distribution and recognition. [Originally posted at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1523908X.2021.1992267]
A 2021 policy brief which looks at actions the energy sector and finance are starting take to ensure there is a 'just transition' for affected workers and communities, and how those actions can be scaled up. [Originally posted at https://www.lse.ac.uk/granthaminstitute/publication/financing-the-just-transition-beyond-coal/]
A 2022 report which finds that EU states' performances on 'just transition' are distinct across four broad regions; Scandinavia, eastern Europe, western Europe, and the Mediterranean. It discusses the nuances of fossil fuel embeddedness in the EU. This is followed by reflection on the importance of embedding fairness in the deployment of new renewable jobs. Finally, it considers the implications for a better-targeted financial mechanism for just transition alongside a fossil fuel divestment strategy. [Originally posted at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921800922003603]
A 2018 report which distinguishes between reactive 'just transition' policies, which are intended to minimize the harm to workers of decarbonization, and proactive just transition policies, which are intended to maximize the benefits. If the broad goal of a just transition is to ensure an equitable, productive outcome for all workers in the zero-carbon economy, a mix of reactive and proactive elements is necessary [Originally posted at https://yorkspace.library.yorku.ca/xmlui/handle/10315/39435]
A 2022 conference paper which outlines the production of hydrogen using coal or gas with carbon capture and storage (CCS), known as blue hydrogen. [Originally posted at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David-Walwyn/publication/363860831_Blue_Hydrogen_as_an_Interim_Phase_of_the_Just_Transition_Is_it_a_Feasible_Proposition_for_South_Africa/links/6332a0ad694dbe4bf4c435fe/Blue-Hydrogen-as-an-Interim-Phase-of-the-Just-Transition-Is-it-a-Feasible-Proposition-for-South-Africa.pdf]
A 2022 study which argues that achieving a 'just transition' from coal in Australia will require both deliberate work on the ‘hearts and minds’ journey to acceptance of and development of a shared vision of the concept and taking concrete practical action across government and industry to achieve this vision. [Originally posted at https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/publications/towards-a-just-transition-from-coal-in-australia/#:~:text=Achieving%20a%20just%20transition%20from,industry%20to%20achieve%20this%20vision.]
A 'just transition' shifts from historically high-emisions and exclusive development to low-emissions and inclusive development. A just transition in South Africa’s electricity sector from coal to cleaner energy is critical for climate change mitigation. And to be just, the transition must leave no-one behind. A just transition transaction as a mechanism, mobilises blended finance to fund 1) the accelerated phase out of coal, thereby accelerating a transition from coal to renewable energy and 2) protection of livelihoods of those communities and workers affected. [Originally posted at https://zivahub.uct.ac.za/articles/report/Just_transition_transaction_in_South_Africa/13022489/files/24983501.pdf]

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