Just Transition for All

As countries worldwide transition to a low-carbon economy (in particular, by the development of renewable energy sources), the increasing fluctuation in renewable energy production requires new flexibility options within the electricity system in order to guarantee security of supply. It is advanced in this paper that such a flexibility transition with an active participation of industry in general has unique potential: It will not only promote green industrial development, but also become an engine for inclusive industrial development and growth as well as delivering a 'just transition' to a low-carbon economy. [Originally posted at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306261920305389]
A 2022 edition of the Latin American Economic Outlook which explores options for the region to recast its production models, transform its energy matrix and create better jobs in the process. It argues that, for this transition to be just, stronger social protection systems and open dialogue must help build new, sustainable social contracts. In support of this ambitious agenda, the report presents an array of financing options, including green finance, and advocates for renewed international partnerships. [Originally posted at https://repositorio.cepal.org/handle/11362/48415]
A 2021 project report which sought to promote a 'just transition' to building electrification in the city of Riverside, California through a community engagement process that prioritized equity. [Originally posted at https://scholarship.claremont.edu/pitzer_theses/125/]
A 2017 thesis which examines the barriers to realizing community choice aggregation. [Originally posted at https://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/111393/1003291792-MIT.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y]
A 2020 paper which estimates the cost of coal worker protection over 20 years in two scenarios. In scenario 1, an 82% attrition rate is calculated, with 6 600 coal workers needing retraining and re-employment over 20 years. In the second scenario, about 75% of electricity will be decommissioned by 2043 and 32 920 (1 646 per year) workers will need retraining. The estimated cost of a 'just transition' for coal workers over 20 years is R6 billion: salaried compensation costs up to R1.2 billion, retraining at R621 million, relocation costs of R100 million, and regional development and rehabilitation costs of R4 billion. [Originally posted at https://www.tips.org.za/just-transition/item/4104-estimating-the-cost-of-a-just-transition-in-south-africa-s-coal-sector-protecting-workers-stimulating-regional-development-and-accelerating-a-low-carbon-transition]
A 2009 thesis which uses a transdisciplinary, sustainability-science approach to investigate the potential for the Hunter Valley region of New South Wales, Australia to make a transition to sustainability. [Originally posted at https://nova.newcastle.edu.au/vital/access/services/Download/uon:6253/ATTACHMENT01]
A 2021 working paper which develops three generic models that allow policymakers to analyze the impact of introducing either a nodal, a zonal, or a uniform pricing system on the three horns of the energy trilemma in their country. [Originally posted at https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/49490]
A 2015 paper which presents an in-depth and historical analysis of the key features of South Africa’s electricity sector and the stakeholders and beneficiaries operating within it. [Originally posted at https://www.africaportal.org/publications/the-political-economy-of-decarbonisation-exploring-the-dynamics-of-south-africas-electricity-sector/]
A 2021 paper which develops three generic models that allow policymakers to analyze the impact of introducing either a nodal, a zonal, or a uniform pricing system on the three horns of the energy trilemma in their country. [Originally posted at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3807059]
A background paper which tries to take a comprehensive look at various aspects that are to be considered in relation to a fossil fuel phase-out to achieve more ambitious climate goals. [Originally posted at https://publications.pik-potsdam.de/rest/items/item_24651_3/component/file_24690/content]
A 2020 paper, prepared by member faculty scholars of the Center for Progressive Reform, which provides policy recommendations for the US in energy usage to help protect the climate and provide equitable access. Sections focus on electricity, transportation, public lands, climate justice, and governance mechanisms. [Originally posted at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3766500]
A 2019 chapter which focuses on the energy transition in Italy and the role of the social dialogue in the perspective of a 'just a transition'. The work focuses on the Enel case study. [Originally posted at https://www.etui.org/sites/default/files/Just%20transition%2004.pdf]
A 2021 report which evaluates the fossil fuel sectors and the following key allied industrial sectors : 1. Thermal power 2. Iron & Steel 3. Cement 4. Fertiliser 5. Road Transport [Originally posted at https://iforest.global/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Five-Rs-Single.pdf[
A 2019 paper which argues that if managed in the right way, the decarbonisation of the city, adaptation to climate change and building resilience to weather extremes can be planned and implemented in a way which simultaneously improves the wellbeing of all and protects the livelihoods of the most vulnerable. This approach is at the heart of what is known as a ‘just transition.’ [Originally posted at https://www.ccinnolab.org/uploads/media/A%20Just%20Transition%20for%20Hong%20Kong.pdf]
A 2022 A 2022 report which belongs to a series dedicated to just energy transition partnerships in Africa produced within the framework of the Ukȧmȧ Platform. [Originally posted at https://www.iddri.org/en/publications-and-events/report/just-energy-transitions-and-partnerships-africa-senegal-case-study]
A 2018 paper which examines the ‘theory’ and practice of ‘just transition’ by first considering the competing interpretations and conceptual understandings of it and second, the challenges of realizing a ‘just transition’ in an Australian coal region where transition is occurring. The paper argues that achieving ‘just transition’ requires more than government provisions and interventions and that unions must perform an active part in the process through their relations with employers, workers, government, and community. It suggests the lack of clarity within the ‘just transition’ literature may be the concept’s lasting strength. [Originally posted at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14747731.2018.1454679]

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