Just Transition for All

Just Transition Insights, Issue #2, 10/31/2022

Leading Off: Trade Rules & The Danger To Just Transition Here’s a reasonable argument to consider: the global trading regime, built over the past century through various so-called “free trade” agreements, has played a significant role in exacerbating the climate crisis by encouraging hyper-growth, lowering wage standards and reducing national environmental conditions. Even if the […]

Just Transition Insights, Issue #1, 10/17/2022

Leading Off: Ten Markers For The Road As this is the first issue of the newsletter, here are some markers that will inform our mission in the months and years to come. Economic transitions are nothing new for workers. Century after century a new invention or industry upheaval has meant economic change. The transitions all […]

DATELINE—AUSTRALIA: Queensland Bids! Is This “Charter” A Model?

Just a few weeks ago, a “Queensland Energy Workers’ Charter” was unveiled by a broad set of players in–yes, you guessed it!–the Australian state of Queensland. We will be digging into the details some more in an upcoming newsletter and getting the inside scoop from the players (so, time to subscribe so you don’t miss […]

DATELINE—U.S.: Green Locomotives & Choo-Choo Politics

Where does the money come from for a “high bar” Just Transition? Hard to get away from the reality that a good slice will have to flow from governments. So,  political environments have to be ripe, and it’s a reason to include electoral activity in Just Transition strategies, especially when the playing field looks grim […]

DATELINE—UK: Redcar Red Alert, A “Lite” Just Transition

In the United Kingdom, the Redcar steelworks closed in 2015. It wasn’t a surprise. The factory’s owner, Sahaviriya Steel Industries (SSI), had long experienced serious financial challenges, as well as facing an ocean of cheaper Chinese imported steel, the largest global exporter of steel. Yet, there was no plan in place in advance of the […]

DATELINE—EGYPT: The Road to Sharm El Sheikh, Will COP Be A Bust?

Just over the horizon looms the next big annual gathering of United Nations Climate Change Conference, better known as COP (for the “Conference of the Parties“); it will take place from November 6-18 2022 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt). Just Transition is one of the buzz words at the gathering–the broad phrase touches on every […]

DATELINE—SOUTH AFRICA: Energy Transformation, Not Reform

The fundamental challenge in reaching a “high bar” Just Transition is to grapple with the idea beyond just jobs–and jobs are key!!!–and not simply stop at addressing the system through retraining, early retirement, better compensation, and a whole menu of labor adjustment programs. It is to rethink the entire model of energy production and use. […]

Is Europe Taking Climate Change More Seriously?

Phasellus congue vel nisl vitae elementum. Vestibulum dignissim ex nec ipsum mollis, rhoncus eleifend mauris condimentum. Pellentesque at suscipit leo. Mauris vehicula magna lacus. Phasellus tincidunt libero auctor arcu egestas ornare. Cras feugiat metus id leo eleifend egestas. Vestibulum tincidunt neque id sem congue, et euismod sapien sagittis. “Cras quis nisi et nunc sagittis vulputate […]

$3,373.50: A Worker’s Life Priced

Cras pulvinar, purus at pharetra porttitor, elit velit pellentesque lorem, a porttitor mauris magna ac dolor. Curabitur ultrices libero quis augue placerat, ut consectetur odio imperdiet. Nulla non massa non ex tempus blandit in ut augue. Proin sed est eget magna eleifend pharetra. Praesent a ultricies libero. Cras imperdiet consequat justo, non bibendum felis euismod […]

Mitch McConnell’s License to Kill

Cras pulvinar, purus at pharetra porttitor, elit velit pellentesque lorem, a porttitor mauris magna ac dolor. Curabitur ultrices libero quis augue placerat, ut consectetur odio imperdiet. Nulla non massa non ex tempus blandit in ut augue. Proin sed est eget magna eleifend pharetra. Praesent a ultricies libero. Cras imperdiet consequat justo, non bibendum felis euismod […]

World Cup Workers Rights

Cras pulvinar, purus at pharetra porttitor, elit velit pellentesque lorem, a porttitor mauris magna ac dolor. Curabitur ultrices libero quis augue placerat, ut consectetur odio imperdiet. Nulla non massa non ex tempus blandit in ut augue. Proin sed est eget magna eleifend pharetra. Praesent a ultricies libero. Cras imperdiet consequat justo, non bibendum felis euismod […]

States Drowning

Cras pulvinar, purus at pharetra porttitor, elit velit pellentesque lorem, a porttitor mauris magna ac dolor. Curabitur ultrices libero quis augue placerat, ut consectetur odio imperdiet. Nulla non massa non ex tempus blandit in ut augue. Proin sed est eget magna eleifend pharetra. Praesent a ultricies libero. Cras imperdiet consequat justo, non bibendum felis euismod […]

Uyghurs Prison Labor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas nec suscipit est. Mauris sollicitudin est massa, ut ornare justo vestibulum. Nunc ut felis nisl. Vestibulum sollicitudin sem quis nibh cursus facilisis. Proin congue blandit nibh id condimentum. Suspendisse magna dui, finibus eu ligula vel, molestie congue ex. Morbi sit amet nisi vulputate, lacinia sapien et, […]

Corona and Class Warfare

Cras pulvinar, purus at pharetra porttitor, elit velit pellentesque lorem, a porttitor mauris magna ac dolor. Curabitur ultrices libero quis augue placerat, ut consectetur odio imperdiet. Nulla non massa non ex tempus blandit in ut augue. Proin sed est eget magna eleifend pharetra. Praesent a ultricies libero. Cras imperdiet consequat justo, non bibendum felis euismod […]

The False Gods of Economic Growth

3 Ripe Pears 1 Red Apple 400g Flour 2tbsp Honey Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed placerat est diam pellentesque sodales velit. Aenean egestas lacus eleifend, cursus neque vitae, aliquet leo. Nulla ut arcu id tortor porttitor molestie. Proin at pellentesque risus. Curabitur ultricies quis lacus quis ultricies. Nunc sit amet auctor leo. Aliquam magna […]

Private Equity Vultures

Cras pulvinar, purus at pharetra porttitor, elit velit pellentesque lorem, a porttitor mauris magna ac dolor. Curabitur ultrices libero quis augue placerat, ut consectetur odio imperdiet. Nulla non massa non ex tempus blandit in ut augue. Proin sed est eget magna eleifend pharetra. Praesent a ultricies libero. Cras imperdiet consequat justo, non bibendum felis euismod […]