Just Transition for All

Climate Economics
A 2022 report which shows that a scenario involving larger amounts of renewable energy and less energy demand – in short, a comprehensive and more ambitious energy transformation in tune with Paris Climate Agreement goals – supports core policy objectives such as economic growth and social well-being, and provides a unique opportunity to revitalise the rural economy, increase regional autonomy and create jobs in Japan. [Originally posted at https://www.irena.org/publications/2022/Sep/Socio-economic-Footprint-of-the-Energy-Transition-Japan]
A 2021 paper which highlights how the COVID-19 recovery window offers a rare opportunity for accelerating the green transition and examines recovery measures through the lens of a 'just transition'. [Originally posted at https://justtransitioninitiative.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/210526_JustGreenRecovery_-Covid19_Update.pdf]
A 2021 report which identifies priority actions for the financial sector in India to address social risks arising from the economic transition, with the help of a 'just transition' framework that assesses the exposure by sector and region. [Originally posted at https://assets.cdcgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/09130404/Towards-a-just-transition-finance-roadmap-for-India_July-2021.pdf?id=1]
A 2020 report which presents the case for a modern national power utility - a New Eskom. Unfortunately, in the public discourse around energy in South Africa, the word ‘Eskom' has become an expletive. To suggest that a reformed publicly utility can and must play a new and perhaps expanded role in shaping the country’s energy future as it transitions away from coal sounds ludicrous. But this is exactly what the situation demands, and this report explains why. [Originally posted at https://www.tni.org/en/publication/eskom-transformed-achieving-a-just-energy-transition-for-south-africa]
A 2022 primer which seeks to explore why it is imperative to orient ourselves and our social movements towards a 'just transition' and how we can consciously and deliberately move away from the dysfunctional and destructive systems that are leading us towards extinction. How can we advance towards new systems of social relations that will help us to survive and overcome the climate crisis and to reverse the planet’s sixth mass extinction? [Originally posted at https://www.tni.org/files/publication-downloads/jt_primer_web.pdf]
A 2020 report which answers the question, "Who is going to pay for all of this broken international financial system and climate breakdown?" by bringing together ten progressive proposals that could pay for the costs of the pandemic and finance a just transition to a better world. [Originally posted at https://longreads.tni.org/paying-for-just-transition]
A 2019 study which offers a number of suggestions for businesses, the social partners and policy-makers, who urgently need to find forms of dialogue and synthesis, also in view of the opportunities offered by the European policies in the framework of the 2021-2027 financial programming. [Originally posted at https://www.enelfoundation.org/content/dam/enel-foundation/topics/2019/09/just-e-volution-2030/Just%20E-volution%202030_Full%20Report%20-%20Interactive%20Version.pdf]
A 2016 study which gives an overview of post-coal transition in the Spanish region of Teruel. [Originally posted at http://archivo-es.greenpeace.org/espana/Global/espana/2016/report/cambio-climatico/BeyondCoal_Duplex.pdf]
A 2021 report which aims to map the potential for a 'just energy' transition in Northern Ireland from socio-technical and political economy perspectives. [Originally posted at https://www.qub.ac.uk/research-centres/media/Media,1174634,smxx.pdf]
A 2019 report which explores how a 'just transition' might be built in Ireland, using Bord na Mona as a model. [Originally posted at https://www.ictu.ie/publications/building-just-transition-case-bord-na-mona]
A 2020 report which foregrounds distributive, procedural and recognition aspects of social justice that are central to Indonesia’s climate mitigation efforts and transition to a green, low carbon economy. [Originally posted at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344549919_Toward_a_Socially_Just_Transition_to_Low_Carbon_Development_The_Case_of_Indonesia]
A 2020 report which highlights the possible impacts of energy transition in Indonesia, especially from the social and economic aspects, to ensure a 'just energy' transition in the country. It analyzes the energy transition experiences of four countries, namely Germany, South Africa, Australia, and Canada that Indonesia can adapt to achieve Indonesia’s just energy transition. [Originally posted at https://iesr.or.id/en/pustaka/ensuring-a-just-energy-transition-in-indonesia-lessons-learned-from-country-case-studies-iesr-2020]
A 2018 think piece which aims to explore the inter linkages between the 'green state development strategy' and the world of work with the goal of making recommendations on how to best ensure decent work principles in the development and implementation of the national plan. [Originally posted at https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---americas/---ro-lima/---sro-port_of_spain/documents/publication/wcms_650116.pdf]
A 2020 report which aims to buttress the effort of helping out lignite regions in Greece by way of creation of jobs as well as by developing the potential for growth of a lively economy. [Originally posted at https://wwfeu.awsassets.panda.org/downloads/policy_brief_just_transition__jobs_in_greece__english.pdf]
A 2021 paper which formulates a set of coherent and realistic proposals for the after delignification period in Western Macedonia. The aim of these proposals is to avoid the economic decline and poverty of the region. [Originally posted at https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/899/1/012049/pdf]
A 2022 report which shows the scale of financial support provided by commercial banks, development finance institutions and Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) that flowed to the fossil fuel industry in West, Central, East and Southern Africa in the period between 2016, the year in which the Paris Agreement entered into force, and the end of June 2021. In addition, it highlights the private and public-sector financial institutions most responsible for these flows. [Originally posted at https://priceofoil.org/2022/03/03/fossil-fuel-financing-in-africa/]

Hot Reports

Covid-19 and a Just Transition in India's Coal Mining Sector The COVID 19 pandemic hit India hard in early 2020, with negative GDP growth and a surge in unemployment. In the energy sector, coal fired power generation was already under pressure from overcapacity, low electricity demand growth, and increasingly competitive renewables.
Considerations for a Just and Equitable Energy Transition As the energy transition accelerates, it is our responsibility, it is our opportunity, to ensure that in addition to contributing to a healthy planet by replacing fossil fuels with clean energy sources, this is accomplished in a just and equitable manner providing prosperity for all.

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