Just Transition for All

A 2019 study which analyzes the employment impacts of various scenarios for expanding electricity generation in Vietnam’s power sector. [Originally posted at https://www.cobenefits.info/resources/future-skills-and-job-creation-through-renewable-energy-in-vietnam/]
A 2022 report which provides support for the Vietnamese Government having scientific-based evidence for any commitment and negotiations at the COP26. [Originally posted at https://www.energytransitionpartnership.org/resource/review-and-gap-analysis-of-the-existing-abatement-scenarios-for-vietnam/]
A 2021 report which provides an insight into the global energy landscape and highlight opportunities and challenges in navigating the energy transition. [Originally posted at https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/2021-twg_2-062321.pdf]
A 2022 working paper which looks at the continued finance provided by the Colombian government for fossil fuels and consider how these resources could be better deployed to achieve the country’s development priorities. [Originally posted at https://cdn.odi.org/media/documents/ODI_Working_paper_Phasing_out_fossil_fuel_subsidies_in_Colombia_9rTjlFQ.pdf]
A 2019 report which focuses on how to design auctions to achieve objectives beyond price discovery. [Originally posted at http://www.indiaenvironmentportal.org.in/files/file/IRENA_RE%20Auctions_Status%20and%20trends_2019.pdf]
A 2021 bulletin which reflects on some aspects of this ‘green’ camouflage and aims to expose interests, actors and threats that are hidden underneath. [Originally posted at https://www.wrm.org.uy/sites/default/files/bulletin-pdfs/Boletin-256_ENG.pdf]
A 2018 report which sets out a set of voluntary actions to increase energy access in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), and it is structured as follow: the vision of the Argentine Presidency for the G20 as it relates to improving energy access and affordability in the LAC region; describes the issues relating to getting to and maintaining universal electricity access; describes actions to use access to promote stronger economic and social development; addresses access to clean cooking and residential heat; sets out various factors that are common to the several forms of energy access and which can increase the effectiveness and impact of access efforts. [Originally posted at https://biblioteca.olade.org/opac-tmpl/Documentos/old0418.pdf]
A 2021 report which offers clear and robust evidence for debates on business accountability, uncovering the dark side of the “clean” energy industries. Authors expect this analysis will be a useful addition to the 'just transition' debate and help achieve the urgently needed reforms in the regions highlighted, where communities continue to face abuse. [Originally posted at https://media.business-humanrights.org/media/documents/RE_LATAM_final_English.pdf]
A 2018 report which examines why and for what the advancement of renewables is a strategic matter from a left-wing viewpoint, so that we can evaluate accurately both the transition towards a different energy matrix and the consequent impacts and risks. [Originally posted at https://www.rosalux.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Extractivismo_INGLES_FINAL_IMPRENTA.pdf]
A 2022 report which highlights the analysis needed to capitalize on the largest benefits of the transition while minimizing costs. [Originally posted at https://www.undp.org/vietnam/publications/finance-and-governance-viet-nams-just-energy-transition]
A 2022 study which explores the synergies and linkages between post-COVID 19 crisis recovery approaches and the energy transition in Latin America and the Caribbean. It aims to identify recovery strategies for key sectors and technologies based on changes in policies, institutions, regulations and investments in such a way that it leads to more sustainable ways to produce and consume energy and the decarbonization of the economy. [Originally posted at https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/47868/3/S2100949_en.pdf]
A 2020 report which has developed a set of Principles for 'just transitions' in extractives and agriculture, to help shape fair climate futures in our energy and food systems. [Originally posted at https://actionaid.nl/2020/12/17/principles-for-just-transitions-in-extractives-and-agriculture-shaping-energy-and-food-systems-that-work-for-women-communities-and-the-climate/]
A 2021 policy brief which is divided into three parts. Part 1 focuses on gaps in current global discourse that are preventing and / or delaying decarbonization. Part 2 then looks beyond decarbonization targets to outline the broader demands of a sustainable economy that rejects the destructive policies characterizing the fossil fuel era. Finally, Part 3 discusses the great opportunity afforded by the climate transition: the chance to rework our economic system to improve social outcomes all while maintaining a safe and stable environment. [Originally posted at https://marshallcop26.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/just_energy_transtions_long.pdf]
A 2016 report which recommends that Boulder’s Climate Commitment initiate dialogues concerning challenging questions that we face together, such as: How can we support job training that ensures that green jobs are fair and accessible to people in all social demographics and in all neighborhoods?; How can public investment in solar energy and energy efficiency benefit those most impacted by high utility rates?; How can we provide a fair transition for workers currently in fossil fuel-related industries and for under-employed populations?; How can we ensure that decision-making processes for climate and energy solutions are transparent, inclusive, and diverse?; How do we inspire all our neighborhoods and workplaces to feel invested in this transition? [Originally posted at https://www.colorado.edu/jtc/sites/default/files/attached-files/a_just_transition_for_boulders_climate_energy_and_employment_future.pdf]
A 2020 study which assesses the changes necessary in employment and workers’ skills in line with the shift to renewables, as well as lessons learned from other countries transitioning away from coal. [Originally posted at https://static1.squarespace.com/static/609a53264723031eccc12e99/t/60ed4d6d4918f36a6d5eb6d3/1626164593677/A+Just+Energy+Transition+in+South+Africa.pdf]
A 2020 paper which explores the peacebuilding implications of energy transitions towards a carbon-neutral future. It examines, on the one hand, the potential risks that abrupt or unmanaged ‘cut off points’ from fossil fuels may pose for peace, and the role that sustainable and 'just transitions' can play in mitigating this. At the same time, it analyzes the significant opportunities that sustainable and just transitions away from fossil fuels can provide for peace, socio-economic and political stability, health, environmental regeneration and justice globally. [Originally posted at https://quno.org/sites/default/files/resources/QUNO%20The%20Peacebuilding%20Implications%20%20of%20Energy%20Transitions%20to%20a%20%20Carbon-Neutral%20Future_12OCT2020.pdf]

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Covid-19 and a Just Transition in India's Coal Mining Sector The COVID 19 pandemic hit India hard in early 2020, with negative GDP growth and a surge in unemployment. In the energy sector, coal fired power generation was already under pressure from overcapacity, low electricity demand growth, and increasingly competitive renewables.
Considerations for a Just and Equitable Energy Transition As the energy transition accelerates, it is our responsibility, it is our opportunity, to ensure that in addition to contributing to a healthy planet by replacing fossil fuels with clean energy sources, this is accomplished in a just and equitable manner providing prosperity for all.

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