Just Transition for All

A 2021 publication which contains the key recommendations and input papers developed in the framework of the two expert workshops on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans in 2021 organized by the Aspen Institute Germany. [Originally posted at https://www.aspeninstitute.de/wp-content/uploads/2021_Aspen-Germany_Implementing-the-Green-Agenda-for-the-WB.pdf]
A 2021 toolkit which aims to provide information to help union officers and reps in Wales who want to take action on the climate emergency and negotiate for greener and fairer workplaces. It is designed to support the voice of workers and their unions. [Originally posted at https://www.tuc.org.uk/sites/default/files/2021-06/greenerworkplaces_may21_2.pdf]
A 2018 discussion paper which seeks to understand how far Kenya has achieved a 'just transition' in it energy sector. [Originally posted at https://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/kenia/14811.pdf]
A 2022 report which shows that a scenario involving larger amounts of renewable energy and less energy demand – in short, a comprehensive and more ambitious energy transformation in tune with Paris Climate Agreement goals – supports core policy objectives such as economic growth and social well-being, and provides a unique opportunity to revitalise the rural economy, increase regional autonomy and create jobs in Japan. [Originally posted at https://www.irena.org/publications/2022/Sep/Socio-economic-Footprint-of-the-Energy-Transition-Japan]
A 2021 report which synthesizes lessons from more than 100 listening sessions with labor and community groups to gather their perspectives on transitions as well as identifies how coalitions have come together and what pathways exist to a just future. [Originally posted at https://www.labor4sustainability.org/files/JTLP_report2021.pdf?id=1]
A 2019 study which offers a number of suggestions for businesses, the social partners and policy-makers, who urgently need to find forms of dialogue and synthesis, also in view of the opportunities offered by the European policies in the framework of the 2021-2027 financial programming. [Originally posted at https://www.enelfoundation.org/content/dam/enel-foundation/topics/2019/09/just-e-volution-2030/Just%20E-volution%202030_Full%20Report%20-%20Interactive%20Version.pdf]
A 2018 study which considers the policies and strategies that were adopted to help manage the decline in employment. In particular, it focuses on two measures: the Mining Social Package and Special Privileges for Mining Communes. [Originally posted at https://www.iisd.org/system/files/publications/transformation-polish-coal-sector.pdf]
A 2020 briefing which summarizes the sustainable energy measures that should be taken for the transformation of Upper Nitra region in the Trenčín administrative area. These measures have the potential to reduce the outflow of money from the region, create jobs and make Upper Nitra a model region for 'just transition'. [Originally posted at https://www.just-transition.info/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Green-Recovery-Slovakia.pdf]
A 2020 chapter which critically analyzes policy proposals that safe, secure and well-paid green jobs can only be maintained by strong unions, and that bargaining power through unionization is a vital component to achieving a just transition from ‘actually existing unsustainability’.[Originally posted at https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Climate-Action-via-Just-Transitions-Across-the-of-Barry-McIlroy/1c49d735c192dece34f94b3b7a0dd2622464606c#paper-header]
A 2021 report which gives an overview of the challenge of ensuring a 'just transition' to a low-carbon economy – that is to say, an industrial transition that empowers workers and communities through the process itself – in Yorkshire and the Humber. [Originally posted at https://neweconomics.org/uploads/files/A-Just-Transition-in-YH.pdf]
A report which has developed a series of actions and a number of recommendations for industry and government which specifically aim to promote a smooth, fair and 'just transition' to net zero for workers. [Originally posted at https://www.sse.com/media/5gklydzs/just-transition-supporting-workers-transition.pdf]
A 2019 report which explores how a 'just transition' might be built in Ireland, using Bord na Mona as a model. [Originally posted at https://www.ictu.ie/publications/building-just-transition-case-bord-na-mona]
A 2020 report which highlights the possible impacts of energy transition in Indonesia, especially from the social and economic aspects, to ensure a 'just energy' transition in the country. It analyzes the energy transition experiences of four countries, namely Germany, South Africa, Australia, and Canada that Indonesia can adapt to achieve Indonesia’s just energy transition. [Originally posted at https://iesr.or.id/en/pustaka/ensuring-a-just-energy-transition-in-indonesia-lessons-learned-from-country-case-studies-iesr-2020]
A 2022 report which focuses on ensuring a 'just transition' while phasing out coal in line with the ILO Guidelines for a Just Transition towards Environmentally Sustainable Economies and Societies for All. The report suggests that in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Viet Nam, job losses due to mine closures in coal-dependent regions and the loss of indirect jobs in their industrial ecologies will have a profound negative effect on the labour markets, economies, and livelihoods of local communities. [Originally posted at https://www.ilo.org/asia/publications/WCMS_845700/lang--en/index.htm]
A 2021 brief which provides an initial assessment of priorities and opportunities for research and information sharing on 'just transition' in India, based on a review of international literature and expert interviews. Specifically, the brief identifies: global just transition elements most relevant for India; research topics needing further investigation to help support 'just transition' in India; and India's experiences that might be useful for other emerging economies. [Originally posted at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353047403_Building_Bridges_to_a_Just_Transition_Connecting_India's_challenges_and_solutions_with_international_experience_IISD_ISSUE_BRIEF_International_Institute_for_Sustainable_Development]
A 2018 think piece which aims to explore the inter linkages between the 'green state development strategy' and the world of work with the goal of making recommendations on how to best ensure decent work principles in the development and implementation of the national plan. [Originally posted at https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---americas/---ro-lima/---sro-port_of_spain/documents/publication/wcms_650116.pdf]

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