Just Transition for All

A 2020 statement to outline SSE’s strategy for supporting energy transition in a socially just and fair way. It aims to: 1) provide an early analysis of the impact SSE might make on key stakeholder groups, specifically, employees, consumers and communities; 2) define the principles that will underpin the choices, decisions and influences it can make as a basis for ongoing engagement with the people and organizations who have a stake in SSE’s business activities; 3) summarize actions SSE has taken to date to transition to a low-carbon – and ultimately net zero – company in a responsible way with social equity factors considered. [Originally posted at https://www.sse.com/media/km5ff0fx/sse-just-transition-strategy-final.pdf]
A 2021 report which offers a practical opportunity to change the trajectory of energy development, distribution and access. It opens up energy systems to a more democratic process, frees them from the power of transnational corporations (TNCs) and enables people and communities to access sufficient energy. [Originally posted at https://www.foei.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Friends-of-the-Earth-Just-Recovery-Renewable-Energy-Plan-for-Africa-2021.pdf]
A 2021 report which assesses fossil fuel industry plans to sink USD $230 billion into the development of new extraction projects in Africa in the next decade — and USD $1.4 trillion by 2050. It finds these projects are not compatible with a safe climate future and that they are at risk of becoming stranded assets that leave behind unfunded clean-up, shortfalls of government revenue, and overnight job losses. The report also contains country-level analysis for the top 16 projected oil, gas, and coal producers in Africa for 2020-2050. [Originally posted at https://priceofoil.org/2021/10/14/the-skys-limit-africa/]
A 2022 report which outlines the 'just transition' framework as an opportunity to start dealing with practical issues relating to jobs, local economies, skills, social support, and governance. [Originally posted at https://pccommissionflow.imgix.net/uploads/images/A-Just-Transition-Framework-for-South-Africa-2022.pdf]
A 2022 paper which examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the textile and garment sector, specifically the employment and enterprise impacts, and contextualizes these within the wider development impacts of the sector – social, economic and environmental; both positive and negative – to ask the question: how sustainable is the sector? [Originally posted at https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/263117/1/ilo-wp54.pdf]
A 2011 report which provides a segmented view of the net direct job creation expected in the formal economy across a wide range of technologies/activities that may be classified as green or contributing to the greening of the economy. The report aims to contribute to strategic planning. It highlights implementation challenges to unlock the green economy's potential. [Originally posted at https://www.tips.org.za/just-transition/item/4056-green-jobs-an-estimation-of-the-direct-employment-potential-of-greening-the-south-african-economy]
A 2018 report which promotes an ecosystems-based approach to promote environmental sustainability and addresses the challenges outlined in the National Development plan. It puts forward forming a Just Transition taskforce driven by the presidency to support the transition process. Several proposals are made to offset the risks of job-losses and support employment creation and intensification in the transition process. [Originally posted at file:///Users/reema/Downloads/Stream-1-Policy-Brief-2-Climate-Jobs-Policy-Brief-summaryy.pdf]
A 2019 book which looks at the anticipated impact of climate change and the experiences of millions of people who are facing a climate disaster, focusing on Southern and South Africa. It takes its perspective from fenceline communities who have varying interests in a 'just transition'. The book also recalls the Million Climate jobs campaign, discussing where the climate change jobs will materialize. Lastly it examines the implications of a chaotic and unplanned transition out of coal, experienced around Arnot and Hendrina, two of the six power stations slated for decommissioning before 2030. [Originally posted at https://www.tips.org.za/just-transition/item/4094-down-to-zero-the-politics-of-just-transition]
A 2021 policy brief which speaks to the current policy vacuum, proposing steps to address it. It considers the implications of the coal transition for employment in South Africa, with reference to national policy and available research. It then seeks to characterize the key issues, points of contestation, and the current 'just transition'/employment policy vacuum. [Originally posted at https://www.tips.org.za/just-transition/item/4235-making-sense-of-jobs-in-south-africa-s-just-energy-transition-managing-the-impact-of-a-coal-transition-on-employment]
A 2022 report which concludes with 15 recommendations from the Ibrahim Governance Forum call on climate leaders to take urgent action to make Africa's case ahead of COP27. [Originally posted at https://mo.ibrahim.foundation/sites/default/files/2022-07/2022-forum-report.pdf]
A 2022 book which contains essays written by leading experts in their fields exploring what it will take to achieve a just and climate-resilient transition in South Africa. [Originally posted at https://www.iej.org.za/supporting-a-just-and-climate-resilient-transition-in-south-africa-presidential-climate-commission/]
A 2021 article which reproduces a transcript from a webinar in which a retrenched coal-miner, a community environmental activist living in the same township and two union officials organizing in the area spell out the challenges and hardships in the way of achieving a 'just transition'. [Originally posted at https://www.southafricanlabourbulletin.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/salb-vol-44-no-3-2.pdf]
A 2022 policy brief which aims to understand petrol stations in South Africa, and in particular the people who work there. [Originally posted at https://www.tips.org.za/policy-briefs]
A 2021 report which aims to provide insight into Eskom's sustainable development impact and performance. The authors believe that their sustainability as an organization can be achieved through sustainable development practices. [Originally posted at https://dl.bourse.lu/dl?v=sN30F1M+Bcip0/M/GFB3hcKyExQHxWpa2VDPVjCVJVI90+W1Qw7pGYPFejwMcAmu+22k4iUvvMxZL+iHT8bmP45FGFkAk8iJAdUjrF9lgn4dSAhGK9qR4J1HW1HK/SjhO8dxMaIpDcRFsOl5fWBZkHdtwGVmr8mLJk9QTssHE6Q=]
A 2022 report which provides support for the Vietnamese Government having scientific-based evidence for any commitment and negotiations at the COP26. [Originally posted at https://www.energytransitionpartnership.org/resource/review-and-gap-analysis-of-the-existing-abatement-scenarios-for-vietnam/]
A 2019 study which analyzes the employment impacts of various scenarios for expanding electricity generation in Vietnam’s power sector. [Originally posted at https://www.cobenefits.info/resources/future-skills-and-job-creation-through-renewable-energy-in-vietnam/]

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