Just Transition for All

A 2018 report which explores how transitions can be better planned for, managed and delivered. It develops a typology of the interventions that can be combined to enable a successful transition. These can be applied across any sector or country. [Originally posted at https://agulhas.co.uk/app/uploads/2018/06/CIFF-Transition-Review.pdf]
A 2021 review which presents a situational analysis of the key issues that will inform the development of South Africa’s Just Transition Framework – the practical guide that will ensure that the country’s transition to a low-emissions economy is well managed, just, and equitable. [Originally posted at https://www.tips.org.za/images/PCC_Report_Towards_a_Just_Transition_Technical_Report_No_1_A_review_of_local_and_international_policy_debate.pdf]
A 2019 study which reviews Germany’s experiences with structural policy focusing on the Ruhr area (but also experiences from other regions) and identifies the structural policy developments and their positive and negative impacts. [Originally posted at https://regionsbeyondcoal.eu/just-transition-for-regions-and-generations/]
A 2019 report which suggests that for a transition to a low-carbon future to be just, we must address the burdens placed upon environmental justice communities who have borne disproportionate environmental, social, and economic burdens of the fossil fuel economy. [Originally posted at https://dornsife.usc.edu/pere/roadmap-equitable-low-carbon-future/]
A 2020 paper which seeks to present both priorities and challenges for of the EU energy transition. It outlines the key targets and initiatives proposed and set by the European institutions in relation to the energy matters. [Originally posted at https://rujec.org/article/55375/]
A 2020 report which analyzes major structural changes to decarbonize economies and energy systems. It recommends incorporating a series of considerations, notably the need for: strategic planning for impacted communities; governance structures and state capacity to implement 'just transition' actions; and a holistic approach to regional economic development to create viable short-term and long-term solutions for local populations who are affected. [Originally posted at https://www.ebrd.com/documents/policy/insights-from-historical-cases-of-transition.pdf?blobnocache=true]
A 2020 report, which runs an analysis of transitions away from fossil-fuel-based regional employment in Australia’s Latrobe Valley, Scotland’s Just Transition Commission and Germany’s Ruhr Valley and Lausitz/Lusatia, finds that an inclusive, iterative, place-based, context-specific approach enabled by public investment provides the best outcomes, including the creation of low-carbon employment alternatives. [Originally posted http://files.nesc.ie/nesc_research_series/Research_Series_Paper_15_TTCaseStudies.pdf]
A 2021 paper which draws on the experiences of past and ongoing transition policies, exploring their effectiveness and transferability. [Originally posted at https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/sites/default/files/medien/1410/publikationen/2022-01-04_cc_33-2021_lessons_learnt_from_structural_change_processes.pdf]
A 2021 discussion paper which makes the case for implementing the ‘just energy transformation’. Starting from the premise that energy transitions and social justice questions are intrinsically linked, the paper identifies the different elements that must pull together and integrate to enable successful energy transitions that deliver on the sustainable development goals. [Originally posted at https://wwfeu.awsassets.panda.org/downloads/wwf_discussion_paper___just_energy_transformation.pdf]
A 2022 report which [Originally posted at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1943815X.2022.2108459]
A 2022 report which compares and explains how political and economic institutional differences influenced efforts to balance energy transition concerns, like speed and cost-effectiveness with justice for companies, workers and communities most adversely affected by the transition. [Originally posted at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14693062.2022.2052788?journalCode=tcpo20]
A 2022 report which compares and explains how political and economic institutional differences influenced efforts to balance energy transition concerns, like speed and cost-effectiveness with justice for companies, workers and communities most adversely affected by the transition. [Originally posted at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14693062.2022.2052788?journalCode=tcpo20]
A 2020 paper which looks at how transitions are approached, including experiences and approaches to governance elsewhere, particularly in relation to protecting vulnerable groups and sectors. It seeks to identify insights and lessons from past and current international experience. [Originally posted at http://files.nesc.ie/nesc_secretariat_papers/No_20_Approaches_to_Transition.pdf]
A 2016 report which aims to assess the notion of 'just transition', how it is being used, what kinds of ideas and approaches are surfacing for short and long-term strategies, and what kinds of relationships groups are developing in pursuit of a 'just transition'. Its purpose is to open a broad and respectful discussion about the varied ways the 'just transition' frame is being used, and whether then can contribute to a shared vision of how to make the transition we face a 'just transition'. [Originally posted at https://www.labor4sustainability.org/files/Just_Transition_Just_What_Is_It.pdf]
A 2020 chapter which discusses how California can ensure a 'just transition' for workers and communities negatively affected by the climate policies discussed in this report. [Originally posted at https://laborcenter.berkeley.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Chapter-4-Just-Transition-Putting-California-on-the-High-Road.pdf]
A 2021 report which recommends, based on international guidelines and practices, that Serbia implements a roadmap for a 'just transition', composed of seven clusters of activities and that will culminate in the adoption, implementation and monitoring of a plan for a 'just transition' to a low carbon economy in Serbia. [Originally posted at https://www.klimatskepromene.rs/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/08-03-2021_Report-on-a-Roadmap-for-Just-Transition-for-Serbia.pdf]

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