Just Transition for All

A 2022 policy briefing which analyzes the social justice implications of building decarbonisation policies by screening four legislative proposals, and makes a number of recommendations, including how to improve provisions in the files, and on the narrative and approach to these issues. [Originally posted at https://www.bpie.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/BPIE_Designing-Building-Decarbonisation-Policies.pdf]
A 2021 study which argues that financing and ownership models that address renewable energy complementarity, spatial organization of resource potential, demographics, pushback from incumbents, and inclusion of traditionally marginalized groups, are common issues across all Member States that are crucial for the transposition of Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) and a just energy transition. This paper highlights the benefits and challenges of widespread development of Renewable Energy Communities (RECs), and using examples from the pending transposition process provides policy advice for effective implementation of the RED II with respect to RECs. [Originally posted at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301421521003050]
A 2021 PhD thesis which aims to bridge the scientific and policy knowledge gap in what constitutes a gender just energy policy by developing and applying a conceptual framework that integrates energy justice and gender approaches in energy policy. [Originally posted at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353247576_Gender_Just_Energy_Policy_engendering_the_energy_transition_in_Europe]
A 2022 policy brief which builds on different analysis made by members of the Think Sustainable Europe network on different files of the FF55. It summarizes the most significant social impacts related to them and presents policy recommendations to address them. [Originally posted at https://ieep.eu/uploads/articles/attachments/58dd984e-b389-4a7e-9f6a-41dbff31e8d1/Just%20transition%20-%20Think2030%20policy%20brief.pdf?v=63830355782]
A 2021 study which aims to analyze the energy transition from the following perspective: that is over-all to show that its trajectory is complex and dependent on the action of several actors. [Originally posted at https://www.industriall-union.org/sites/default/files/uploads/documents/2021/Energy/sr_energy_transition_en_v13.pdf]
A 2021 article which focuses on the diffusion of 'just transition' within the world of labour. [Originally posted at file:///Users/reema/Downloads/182883-Texto%20do%20artigo-508811-1-10-20210810.pdf]
A 2019 research paper which shows through existing good practices that 'just transition' is possible when unions sit around the table in social dialogue with employers and governments. [Originally posted at https://www.ituc-csi.org/social-dialogue-for-sdgs-promoting-just-transition]
A 2020 chapter which sets out Mexico’s regulatory policy in this subject and the ways in which the legal instrument ruling the energy transition has incorporated social aspects. It elaborates on the influence of grassroots movements in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in highlighting the importance of inclusion of local population to achieve just energy transitions. The chapter seeks to understand the ways in which top-down public policies are modified by bottom-up social movements. [Originally posted at https://www.academia.edu/42008158/The_role_of_social_resistance_in_shaping_energy_transition_policy_in_Mexico_the_case_of_wind_power_in_Oaxaca]
A 2020 statement to outline SSE’s strategy for supporting energy transition in a socially just and fair way. It aims to: 1) provide an early analysis of the impact SSE might make on key stakeholder groups, specifically, employees, consumers and communities; 2) define the principles that will underpin the choices, decisions and influences it can make as a basis for ongoing engagement with the people and organizations who have a stake in SSE’s business activities; 3) summarize actions SSE has taken to date to transition to a low-carbon – and ultimately net zero – company in a responsible way with social equity factors considered. [Originally posted at https://www.sse.com/media/km5ff0fx/sse-just-transition-strategy-final.pdf]
A 2021 report which identifies what is missing from the current narratives of a just transition. In the initial assessment, there are two key gaps in the current national 'just transition' debate that will undermine significant progress towards a genuinely inclusive and socially just energy system. [Originally posted at https://justurbantransitions.com/our_resources/a-just-distribution-the-overlooked-role-of-energy-distribution-policy-and-governance-in-achieving-a-just-energy-transition-in-south-africa/]
A 2021 report which offers a practical opportunity to change the trajectory of energy development, distribution and access. It opens up energy systems to a more democratic process, frees them from the power of transnational corporations (TNCs) and enables people and communities to access sufficient energy. [Originally posted at https://www.foei.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Friends-of-the-Earth-Just-Recovery-Renewable-Energy-Plan-for-Africa-2021.pdf]
A 2022 commentary which aims to reemphasize the importance of hydrocarbon resources to African development and present alternative funding strategies that can minimize disruptions to growth and are consistent with notions of a just energy transition. [Originally posted at https://www.mines.edu/global-energy-future/wp-content/uploads/sites/361/2022/10/Payne-Institute-Commentary-Supporting-a-Just-Transition.pdf]
A 2021 background paper which considers both: 1) how education can contribute to sustainable development, and 2) how sustainable development can shape quality, relevant education. It also frames the meaning of education broadly, within a lifelong learning framework that includes formal education, technical and vocational education and training, work and learning, as well as social movement and community education and social learning. [Originally posted at https://tesf.network/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/TESF-South-Africa-Background-Paper-Final_05022021.pdf]
A 2019 thesis which centers around the importance of energy security and sustainability within Cape Town, South Africa. [Originally posted at https://www.ie-ei.eu/Ressources/FCK/image/RECHERCHE/Theses_2019/Bernstein_Thesis%20.pdf]
A 2020 report which presents the results of a study which unpacks some of the major political, institutional, regulatory and social barriers to renewable energy deployment in South Africa. It also provides some insight into proposed means of addressing these barriers to facilitate accelerated industrialisation in the renewable energy sector. [Originally posted at https://meridianeconomics.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Accelerating-renewable-energy-industrialisation-in-South-Africa-July2020.pdf]
A 2020 policy brief which lays out policies that must be put in place to mitigate the effects on coal-mining workers and communities and ensure a just energy transition. [Originally posted at https://sa-tied.wider.unu.edu/sites/default/files/SA-TIED%20policy-brief-0420.pdf]

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Covid-19 and a Just Transition in India's Coal Mining Sector The COVID 19 pandemic hit India hard in early 2020, with negative GDP growth and a surge in unemployment. In the energy sector, coal fired power generation was already under pressure from overcapacity, low electricity demand growth, and increasingly competitive renewables.
Considerations for a Just and Equitable Energy Transition As the energy transition accelerates, it is our responsibility, it is our opportunity, to ensure that in addition to contributing to a healthy planet by replacing fossil fuels with clean energy sources, this is accomplished in a just and equitable manner providing prosperity for all.

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