Just Transition for All

A 2022 case study which identifies main actors, objectives, and the relevant contextual factors forming the political economy of energy and coal in South Africa by analyzing the driving factors for the ongoing dominance of coal. [Originally posted at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0973082622000928]
A 2022 report which outlines the 'just transition' framework as an opportunity to start dealing with practical issues relating to jobs, local economies, skills, social support, and governance. [Originally posted at https://pccommissionflow.imgix.net/uploads/images/A-Just-Transition-Framework-for-South-Africa-2022.pdf]
A 2017 briefing paper which focuses on the notion of ownership in relation to energy, from a South African perspective; and in the context of a changing energy landscape. [Originally posted at http://www.cplo.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/BP-444-Ownership-and-a-Just-Energy-Transition-Nov-2017.pdf]
A 2021 paper which describes critical considerations for achieving an equitable transition in the electricity sector that will rise to the climate challenge and the imperatives of economic and environmental justice. [Originally posted at https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5fb58e0bd182a42ba80eabdd/t/62630600bc6da229ca45e537/1650656769141/FINAL+7+Key+Components+for+Considering+Equity+Within+the+Transition+to+Clean+Energy.pdf]
A 2019 summary for policymakers which discusses the role that coal plays in Indonesia's energy policies. [Originally posted at https://iesr.or.id/en/pustaka/summary-for-policymakers-indonesias-coal-dynamics-toward-a-just-energy-transition]
A 2011 report which provides a segmented view of the net direct job creation expected in the formal economy across a wide range of technologies/activities that may be classified as green or contributing to the greening of the economy. The report aims to contribute to strategic planning. It highlights implementation challenges to unlock the green economy's potential. [Originally posted at https://www.tips.org.za/just-transition/item/4056-green-jobs-an-estimation-of-the-direct-employment-potential-of-greening-the-south-african-economy]
A 2017 study which deals with sustainable energy sector transformation in South Africa. The report aims to give a high level overview of some of the key aspects that should allow the country to take progressive steps towards an improved energy sector that respects human rights and planetary boundaries. The study examines the status quo of the current energy system. [Originally posted at https://www.tips.org.za/just-transition/item/4060-energy-sector-transformation-in-south-africa-a-civil-society-view-on-sustainable-and-equitable-transition-to-a-low-carbon-and-environmentally-conscious-energy-future-in-south-africa]
A 2018 report which promotes an ecosystems-based approach to promote environmental sustainability and addresses the challenges outlined in the National Development plan. It puts forward forming a Just Transition taskforce driven by the presidency to support the transition process. Several proposals are made to offset the risks of job-losses and support employment creation and intensification in the transition process. [Originally posted at file:///Users/reema/Downloads/Stream-1-Policy-Brief-2-Climate-Jobs-Policy-Brief-summaryy.pdf]
A 2019 book which looks at the anticipated impact of climate change and the experiences of millions of people who are facing a climate disaster, focusing on Southern and South Africa. It takes its perspective from fenceline communities who have varying interests in a 'just transition'. The book also recalls the Million Climate jobs campaign, discussing where the climate change jobs will materialize. Lastly it examines the implications of a chaotic and unplanned transition out of coal, experienced around Arnot and Hendrina, two of the six power stations slated for decommissioning before 2030. [Originally posted at https://www.tips.org.za/just-transition/item/4094-down-to-zero-the-politics-of-just-transition]
A 2021 paper which aims to contribute to unpacking the meaning of a 'just transition' and the tools to foster it. It discusses the three key dimensions of a just transition - procedural, distributive and restorative justice - highlighted the varying degrees of ambition existing in different framings and review the policy toolbox for each of the three dimensions. [Originally posted at https://www.tips.org.za/just-transition/item/4221-policy-toolbox-for-a-just-transition]
A 2021 policy brief which speaks to the current policy vacuum, proposing steps to address it. It considers the implications of the coal transition for employment in South Africa, with reference to national policy and available research. It then seeks to characterize the key issues, points of contestation, and the current 'just transition'/employment policy vacuum. [Originally posted at https://www.tips.org.za/just-transition/item/4235-making-sense-of-jobs-in-south-africa-s-just-energy-transition-managing-the-impact-of-a-coal-transition-on-employment]
A 2021 policy brief which makes the case for a gender 'just transition' in South Africa. It does so by: a) explaining why a gender just transition is vital by discussing the gendered impact of climate change; b) locating South African women within the broader society and within the economy; and c) providing a brief idea of what a gender just transition would look like. [Originally posted at https://www.tips.org.za/just-transition/item/4263-just-transition-in-south-africa-the-case-for-a-gender-just-approach]
A 2021 study which aims to provide an overview of the situation, the trends as well as fossil fuel investment projections and the need to shift investment towards clean energy in Southeast Asia. It analyzes the investment environment as well as funding sources of investment in the power sector. This includes the principal stakeholders—government, private sector and civil society—and their role in current and potential future investment patterns and flows in Southeast Asia. [Originally posted at https://climateanalytics.org/publications/2021/shifting-investment-away-from-fossil-fuels-in-southeast-asia/]
A 2022 report which concludes with 15 recommendations from the Ibrahim Governance Forum call on climate leaders to take urgent action to make Africa's case ahead of COP27. [Originally posted at https://mo.ibrahim.foundation/sites/default/files/2022-07/2022-forum-report.pdf]
A 2022 book which contains essays written by leading experts in their fields exploring what it will take to achieve a just and climate-resilient transition in South Africa. [Originally posted at https://www.iej.org.za/supporting-a-just-and-climate-resilient-transition-in-south-africa-presidential-climate-commission/]
A 2021 report which highlights how the EU has been and still remains Africa’s leading economic partner, so any change in Europe’s priorities will have impacts on Africa’s economies. [Originally posted at https://www.plataformaongd.pt/uploads/subcanais2/af_web_sustainable_finance_private_sector_and_just_transition_ppongd_v5.pdf]

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