Just Transition for All

A 2021 article which provides possible future scenarios for tackling the complex issue of 'just transition' in Romania. [Originally posted at https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/14/5/1509]
A 2022 report which explores the rapid adoption of 'just transition' initiatives and explains it by three factor. [Originally posted at https://www.brookings.edu/research/enable-a-just-transition-for-american-fossil-fuel-workers-through-federal-action/]
A 2022 article which shows that following current policies, by the end of the decade, coal-bearing states will likely sink deeper into carbon lock-ins, while the rest of India, especially western and southern states could become increasingly decarbonized. [Originally posted at https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ac5194]
A 2018 broad overview from the World Bank of coal mines focusing on transition policies and strategy development; People and communities; and land and environmental remediation. [Originally posted at https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/484541544643269894/pdf/130659-REVISED-PUBLIC-Managing-Coal-Mine-Closure-Achieving-a-Just-Transition-for-All-November-2018-final.pdf]
A 2020 thesis which examines how trade unions in different parts of Europe are understanding the concept of a 'just transition' and which strategies they are using to give effect to it. [Originally posted at https://is.muni.cz/th/qd76s/Master_thesis_Maschlanka.pdf]
A 2019 report, for the governments and businesses that are interested in accelerating deep decarbonization of the world economy, which aims to highlight where their actions can have the greatest impact on accelerating the low carbon transition. [Originally posted at https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Coordinatedactionreport.pdf]
A 2021 toolkit which provides key inputs for EU, Member States and all relevant actors to set up comprehensive and out-of-the-box responses to energy poverty. [Originally posted at http://www.engager-energy.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Engager-Toolkit-_-draft-2.pdf]
A 2022 report which examines the responsibilities of state and non-state actors in the decarbonization process, asking: what role do different actors play regarding the justice impacts of climate action? [Originally posted at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09644016.2022.2064690]
A 2020 by Health and Environment Alliance which explores how a 'just transition' must include the health perspective, in order to shift the economy towards a climate-neutral and health promoting future, while leaving no one behind. [Originally posted at https://www.env-health.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/HEAL-Just-transition.pdf]
A 2022 study, based on agricultural sector modeling, which shows how changes in food consumption and land use measures can reduce GHG emissions from Finnish agriculture, and what are the impacts on regional levels of agricultural production, land use, GHG emissions, and farm income. [Originally posted at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2210422422000491]
A 2021 action research project which asks two kinds of questions crucial to a 'just transition' in Morocco: 1) what are the laws, policies and bureaucratic regulations that govern large-scale extraction projects and renewable energy; and 2) how do power relations around extraction and renewable energy at the local level shape the daily lives of residents? [Originally posted at https://longreads.tni.org/mining-energy-transition-renewable-morocco]
A 2022 report which sums up the five key areas in which scaled up support will be provided to promote a 'just transition' towards a climate-resilient and low carbon economy, building on the support under the Climate Promise. [Originally posted at https://www.undp.org/publications/issue-brief-just-transition]
A 2021 report which sets out how the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) proposes to achieve 'just transition', including how to invite stakeholders to participate in the development of indicators for assessing companies’ contributions to a 'just transition' through a multistakeholder process. It also includes synthesis of the November 2020 findings from WBA’s Climate and Energy Benchmark and Corporate Human Rights Benchmark assessments in the Automotive sector. [Originally posted at https://assets.worldbenchmarkingalliance.org/app/uploads/2021/02/Just-transition-Approach-Report-February-2021.pdf]
A 2020 report which discusses the uncertainties within the coal mining sector in India following the COVID 19 pandemic, highlighting the importance of a just transition for coal mining communities. It provides policy recommendations for new directions in public finance within and outside the energy sector to support job creation and industrial development against the backdrop of an increasingly uncertain coal value chain. [Originally posted at https://www.energyforum.in/fileadmin/user_upload/india/media_elements/publications/20200900_COVID19_Just_Transition/20201004_COVID-19_and_just_transition_in_India.pdf]
A 2018 report which highlights key considerations and sets out how to plan a just transition process, rather than making detailed policy recommendations. This report focuses on progress in the energy sector in BRICS countries and the Next 11 emerging markets, comparing approaches to distill best practice in achieving local objectives. [Originally posted at https://www.sustainablefinance.hsbc.com/carbon-transition/enabling-a-just-transition-to-a-low-carbon-economy-in-the-energy-sector]
A 2017 report which seeks to describe key features of Alaska’s economic landscape and highlight existing community projects and ideas that are signposts on the road to a sustainable economy. In addition the report includes recommendations for policies that could help amplify and accelerate this transition beyond a continued economic dependence on fossil fuels and toward a just and sustainable economy. [Originally posted at https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Arctic-Report-2017-10-13.pdf]

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