Just Transition for All

A 2021 discussion paper which reviews the role of social protection and labor in supporting both climate adaptation and mitigation efforts. [Originally posted at https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/36669/Social-Protection-and-Labor-A-Key-Enabler-for-Climate-Change-Adaptation-and-Mitigation.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y]
A 2017 study which provides an overview of the different 'just transition', energy transformation and climate justice discourses of the previous years and how they are ultimately reflected in the Paris Agreement. It shows how they overlap in terms of transition narratives and policy demands. [Originally posted at https://library.fes.de/pdf-files/iez/13955.pdf]
A 2019 report in which the ILO provides policy advice, implements projects, and supports the capacities of its constituents in their efforts to turn the environmental challenges facing rural economies into opportunities for sustainable development. [Originally posted at https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_dialogue/---sector/documents/publication/wcms_437196.pdf]
A 2022 report which explores technological options in the Greater Metropolitan Area of the Central Valley of Costa Rica to contribute towards achieving the national decarbonization goal and also improving the sustainability of their jurisdiction. [Originally posted at https://www.irena.org/publications/2022/Mar/Urban-energy-transition-for-the-greater-metropolitan-area-of-the-central-valley-of-Costa-Rica]
A 2022 research article which analyzes the electrifcation of light-duty vehicles and its implications on equity and justice paradigm within a pro-green policy environment. [Originally posted at https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41301-022-00331-6]
A 2021 report which brings together articles and analysis on what 'just transition' looks like in Kenya, Costa Rica, the Philippines, New Zealand, Serbia and the US. [Originally posted at https://www.equaltimes.org/just-transition-from-awareness-to#.YyCqk-xBxQK]
This briefing sets out how investors are addressing the 'just transition'. It shines an independent spotlight on the state of play in the financial industry and sets out what policymakers can do to move investors in the right direction. [Originally posted at https://api.shareaction.org/resources/reports/COP26-briefing-Just-Transition.pdf]
A 2021 article which discusses the currently neglected climate, coal, and gender triad and develops a conceptualization along the following aspects: common lines of arguments, shortcomings in predominant arguments, and the state-of-the-art regarding the climate–gender–coal triad. [Originally posted at https://ideas.repec.org/a/gam/jeners/v14y2021i17p5457-d627448.html]
A 2017 report which examines the current status of the coal transition in Shanxi and proposes recommendations for how reform can be managed to ensure that economic, social and environmental factors are built into the process. [Originally posted at https://www.iisd.org/system/files/publications/crossroads-balancing-financial-social-costs-coal-transition-china.pdf]
A 2021 report which provides a regional analysis of an energy transition that builds on a 100% renewable energy goal for Southeast Asia by 2050 using the region’s renewable energy from wind, water, geothermal, and solar sources. This report suggests that this vision of energy future for the region requires changes in technologies, institutions, and policies to usher in a just energy transition. [Originally posted at https://th.boell.org/sites/default/files/2021-12/Towards%20a%20just%20regional%20energy%20transition.pdf] in a just energy transition.
A 2022 paper by the ITUC-Asia Pacific which is meant to clarify and popularise the centrality of JT as a response to the climate emergency. This monograph covers the following topics: union climate advocacy in the Asia-Pacific, changes in the jobs market due to climate action, JT development challenges, the role of social dialogue in climate policy and economic restructuring, examples of country-level climate programmes and trade union initiatives/responses, and lessons and recommendations on the way forward. [Originally posted at https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/6177a47207bd8b3a8f4b6de9/6260f4af771bee51da0229ba_ITUC-AP_JustTransition_PolicyPaper%20-%20Mar%2004%20revised.pdf]
A 2020 report which wants to show that managed properly, climate action can be an agenda for change and social justice. The move towards a greener economy will lead to disruptions in some industries. Still, this transition is inevitable for a healthy environment and to avoid the dangers of climate change. [Originally posted at https://publications.pes.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/just-transition.pdf]
A 2017 report which reviews the economic and political context of coal mining in South Wales, describing the origins of coal mining, its growth through the industrial revolution and into the inter-war period, its gradual but irreversible decline after the Second World War, and its eventual disappearance in the 1990s. It then examines the pronounced social and community consequences of mining and the closure of coal mines, drawing attention to the role of unionized labour and the role it played throughout the rise and fall of mining in Wales. [Originally posted at https://www.iisd.org/system/files/publications/end-of-coal-mining-south-wales-lessons-learned.pdf]
A 2018 report which summarizes the main insights from Coal Transitions research project. It outlines the growing momentum behind coal transitions around the world and highlights key findings from case studies of six major coal-consuming countries, which explore how “below-2°C”-compatible transitions away from thermal coal could be implemented. [Originally posted at https://coaltransitions.files.wordpress.com/2018/09/coal_synthesis_final.pdf]
A 2017 paper which goes into detail about the various ways in which Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform (FFSR) can be consistent with 'just transition'. [Originally posted at https://www.iisd.org/publications/report/fossil-fuel-subsidy-reform-and-just-transition-integrating-approaches]
A 2017 policy analysis brief which provides some context and history to the concept of 'just transition', elaborates on its key policies, and examines how it could be further incorporated into international climate change policy. It also aims at providing a stepping-stone for broader engagement by the climate community on this issue. [Originally posted at https://stanleycenter.org/publications/pab/RosembergPABStrengtheningJustTransition417.pdf]

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