Just Transition for All

A 2019 report which aims to provide a range of views about Aotearoa New Zealand’s progress on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These come from a range of perspectives – NGOs, community organizations, researchers, unions, businesses, and young people. [Originally posted at https://www.sdg.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Final_PeopleReport-2019-Dec-2019_for-web.pdf]
A 2021 toolkit which aims to provide information to help union officers and reps in Wales who want to take action on the climate emergency and negotiate for greener and fairer workplaces. It is designed to support the voice of workers and their unions. [Originally posted at https://www.tuc.org.uk/sites/default/files/2021-06/greenerworkplaces_may21_2.pdf]
A 2022 report which highlights the ways in which extreme weather events, flooding, air pollution and draughts are impacting workers, especially women and young workers who often hold the most precarious jobs and have the least protection. It also features the effects of two technological changes often justified as related to combating climate change: the expansion of electric buses and the introduction of automated ticket vending technology. [Originally posted at https://www.itfglobal.org/sites/default/files/node/resources/files/A%20Just%20Transition%20for%20Urban%20Transport%20Workers_Report.pdf]
A 2020 report which aims to shed light on how 'just transition' work has been advancing in low and middle-income countries and highlight how trade unions and development actors can enhance climate ambition. It provides examples of union responses in different productive sectors and how Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) will shift labour markets and sectorial challenges. [Originally posted at https://www.uniontounion.org/sites/default/files/material_files/report_just_transition_eng_webb.pdf]
A 2021 report which synthesizes lessons from more than 100 listening sessions with labor and community groups to gather their perspectives on transitions as well as identifies how coalitions have come together and what pathways exist to a just future. [Originally posted at https://www.labor4sustainability.org/files/JTLP_report2021.pdf?id=1]
A 2021 article which investigates historical and current patterns of the Italian 'just transition' process. [Originally posted at http://ejcls.adapt.it/index.php/ejcls_adapt/article/view/931]
A 2020 chapter which critically analyzes policy proposals that safe, secure and well-paid green jobs can only be maintained by strong unions, and that bargaining power through unionization is a vital component to achieving a just transition from ‘actually existing unsustainability’.[Originally posted at https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Climate-Action-via-Just-Transitions-Across-the-of-Barry-McIlroy/1c49d735c192dece34f94b3b7a0dd2622464606c#paper-header]
A 2021 report which gives an overview of the challenge of ensuring a 'just transition' to a low-carbon economy – that is to say, an industrial transition that empowers workers and communities through the process itself – in Yorkshire and the Humber. [Originally posted at https://neweconomics.org/uploads/files/A-Just-Transition-in-YH.pdf]
A report which has developed a series of actions and a number of recommendations for industry and government which specifically aim to promote a smooth, fair and 'just transition' to net zero for workers. [Originally posted at https://www.sse.com/media/5gklydzs/just-transition-supporting-workers-transition.pdf]
A 2019 report which explores how a 'just transition' might be built in Ireland, using Bord na Mona as a model. [Originally posted at https://www.ictu.ie/publications/building-just-transition-case-bord-na-mona]
A 2021 brief which provides an initial assessment of priorities and opportunities for research and information sharing on 'just transition' in India, based on a review of international literature and expert interviews. Specifically, the brief identifies: global just transition elements most relevant for India; research topics needing further investigation to help support 'just transition' in India; and India's experiences that might be useful for other emerging economies. [Originally posted at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353047403_Building_Bridges_to_a_Just_Transition_Connecting_India's_challenges_and_solutions_with_international_experience_IISD_ISSUE_BRIEF_International_Institute_for_Sustainable_Development]
A 2019 chapter which puts forth that democratic, public, and cooperative management of energy systems can prioritize social alongside climate concerns, as part of a wider industrial strategy to retrain workers and decarbonize industry. [Originally posted at https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780199498734.003.0017]
A 2021 review which presents a situational analysis of the key issues that will inform the development of South Africa’s Just Transition Framework – the practical guide that will ensure that the country’s transition to a low-emissions economy is well managed, just, and equitable. [Originally posted at https://www.tips.org.za/images/PCC_Report_Towards_a_Just_Transition_Technical_Report_No_1_A_review_of_local_and_international_policy_debate.pdf]
A 2021 study which aims to challenge the way environmental, climate and social NGOs are placed in a system of silos that hinders meaningful exchanges among them and prevents from contributing to decisions on a socially 'just green transition' in Europe and worldwide. It provides examples of contributions made by trade unions and social movements to the creation of environmentally sustainable, fair and inclusive societies. [Originally posted at https://www.solidar.org/system/downloads/attachments/000/001/343/original/SOLIDAR_Study_Just_Transition_2021.pdf?1625207707]
A 2020 thesis which examines how trade unions in different parts of Europe are understanding the concept of a 'just transition' and which strategies they are using to give effect to it. [Originally posted at https://is.muni.cz/th/qd76s/Master_thesis_Maschlanka.pdf]
A paper which outlines a transition plan for working people and their communities who rely on the coal-fired electricity sector for employment, and focuses on the need to minimize the impact of unplanned closures on regional communities, which we have seen recently occur in the Port Augusta and Anglesea communities. [Originally posted at https://www.actu.org.au/media/1032953/actu-policy-discussion-paper-a-just-transition-for-coal-fired-electricity-sector-workers-and-communities.pdf]

Hot Reports

Covid-19 and a Just Transition in India's Coal Mining Sector The COVID 19 pandemic hit India hard in early 2020, with negative GDP growth and a surge in unemployment. In the energy sector, coal fired power generation was already under pressure from overcapacity, low electricity demand growth, and increasingly competitive renewables.
Considerations for a Just and Equitable Energy Transition As the energy transition accelerates, it is our responsibility, it is our opportunity, to ensure that in addition to contributing to a healthy planet by replacing fossil fuels with clean energy sources, this is accomplished in a just and equitable manner providing prosperity for all.

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