Just Transition for All

A 2021 report which brings together articles and analysis on what 'just transition' looks like in Kenya, Costa Rica, the Philippines, New Zealand, Serbia and the US. [Originally posted at https://www.equaltimes.org/just-transition-from-awareness-to#.YyCqk-xBxQK]
A 2017 report which reviews the economic and political context of coal mining in South Wales, describing the origins of coal mining, its growth through the industrial revolution and into the inter-war period, its gradual but irreversible decline after the Second World War, and its eventual disappearance in the 1990s. It then examines the pronounced social and community consequences of mining and the closure of coal mines, drawing attention to the role of unionized labour and the role it played throughout the rise and fall of mining in Wales. [Originally posted at https://www.iisd.org/system/files/publications/end-of-coal-mining-south-wales-lessons-learned.pdf]
A 2018 guide for unions to a 'just transition' to a low carbon economy. [Originally posted at https://www.etuc.org/sites/default/files/publication/file/2018-09/Final%20FUPA%20Guide_EN.pdf]
A 2022 report which examines the transition programs in Canadian provinces with coal generation based on interviews with community and labour leaders and review of existing literature and case studies from jurisdictions outside of Canada that have implemented 'just transition' policies and programs. [Originally posted at https://www.pembina.org/pub/supporting-workers-and-communities-coal-phase-out]
A 2021 brief which investigates the actual state of labour and employment in Canada’s fossil fuel industry, delves into some of the dimensions of a planned and fair employment transition away from fossil fuels, explains why that transition is manageable, and lays down a roadmap of principles that should be followed. [Originally posted at https://environmentaldefence.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Steady-Path-Labour-Transition-Jan-2021.pdf]
A 2018 report which explores the circumstances leading to the phase-out and the actions taken by affected players for those who may draw inspiration and lessons from Alberta: policy-makers, campaigners, environmental groups, the coal industry and others transitioning to a low-carbon economy. [Originally posted at https://www.iisd.org/publications/report/end-coal-albertas-coal-phase-out]
A 2021 report which seeks to identify how civil society and organized labour groups define the 'just transition' they are working toward, including what their goals and strategies are and key opportunities that could further 'just transition' implementation and collaboration in Canada. [Originally posted at https://www.iisd.org/publications/building-just-transition-canada-civil-society]
A 2020 report which contains communication guidance for civil society representatives, policymakers and academics engaging in conversation with those who work in these industries and the communities they support on the concept of 'just transition'. [Originally posted at https://climateoutreach.org/reports/broadening-engagement-with-just-transition/]
A 2019 paper which is part of The Inevitable Policy Response (IPR), a landmark project which aims to prepare financial markets for climate-related policy risks. [Originally posted at https://www.unpri.org/inevitable-policy-response/why-a-just-transition-is-crucial-for-effective-climate-action/4785.article]
A 2012 booklet which explains the causes and effects of climate change, and its impacts on workers and the poor, in an economic system which puts profits before people and the planet. It unpacks international negotiations about a global climate deal. Solutions are introduced and analyzed, and suggestions made for unions to take the work forward. [Originally posted at https://www.tips.org.za/just-transition/item/download/2055_ec782d5f9cf58c01871e5c5e9a711650]
A 2018 Guide from the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment which sets out how investors can pursue the goal of a just transition as part of their core operating practices. [Originally posted at https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/22101ijtguidanceforinvestors23november1118_541095.pdf]
A 2022 study which intends to inform support and learning for a Just Transition in the Global South with the Philippines and South Africa as the two focus countries. [Originally posted at https://www.palmecenter.se/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/A-Just-Transition-for-the-Global-South_full-report.pdf]
A 2018 guide which contains operational advice and tactics, several case studies and analysis of the risks and opportunities of climate action on a company’s workforce. It provides ways for companies to engage with workers, unions and governments that are constructive to a clean energy economy that benefits all. [Originally posted at https://www.ituc-csi.org/IMG/pdf/just_transition_-_a_business_guide.pdf]
A 2020 report which brings together articles and analysis on what 'just transition' looks like in Spain, Bangladesh, Tunisia, Scotland, Argentina and Senegal. [https://www.equaltimes.org/just-transition-putting-planet#.YwJX9uxBxQI]
A 2021 report which examines public initiatives implemented in Germany to support workers and communities impacted by the decline in coal production from the 1960s to the present. It presents key policy alternatives and lessons from the German case to inform 'just transition' processes in other countries and regions. [Originally posted at https://www.energiewende-global.com/fileadmin/user_upload/giz-website/Media_Library/Just_Transition/German_Just_Transition.pdf]
A 2017 report which looks at New York State’s recently announced Clean Climate Careers Initiative and analyzes it through a proposed 'just transition' framework by building on examples from the United States and Germany. [Originally posted at https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1796&context=elr]

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