Just Transition for All

A 2018 report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission entify the regions2 that looks at the "potential decline of coal mining and coal power-plant activities" and assesses "the impact on regional jobs" as well "reviews potential actions that could be undertaken at regional level, which could help re-use retired coal infrastructure and re-deploy personnel to new activities or extend the life of coal power plants with lower impact to the environment, thus maintaining jobs and economic activities within the affected regions" [Originally posted at https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/bitstream/JRC112593/kjna29292enn.pdf]
This in-depth report from the European Commission's Joint Research Centre analyzes "the opportunities in coal regions stemming from the deployment of power generation technologies from wind, solar photovoltaics, bioenergy and geothermal sources, as well as on coal-fired power plants with carbon capture." [Originally posted at https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/bitstream/JRC117938/clean_energy_technologies_in_coal_regions_online.pdf]
A February 2022 paper authored by Arnulf Jäger-Waldau of the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, which looks at the growth of photovoltaic electricity generation. [Originally posted at https://www.epj-pv.org/articles/epjpv/pdf/2022/01/pv220006.pdf]
This April 2021 document outlines the green transformation steps taken over a decade by Ørsted, a Danish renewable energy company with a focus on wind. It is the company's document and information.
A November 2021 report from the U.S-based Environment America Research & Policy Center assessing the state of renewable energy technologies. [Originally posted at https://environmentamericacenter.org/]
A July 2021 report from the U.S. Bipartisan Policy Center that assets "offshore wind has an important role to play in that expansion, particularly given its ability to provide reliable electricity generation, at all hours of the day and during all seasons of the year, near major coastal population centers. Offshore wind also represents a significant economic opportunity: a robust domestic industry could deliver large benefits in job creation and manufacturing activity while tapping a growing global market for clean energy technologies" [Originally posted at https://bipartisanpolicy.org/download/?file=/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/BPC_OSW_IssueBriefV5-1.pdf ]
A March 2020 report by the American Wind Energy Association (an industry association) claiming that "Market projections anticipate between 20,000 to 30,000 megawatts (MW) of offshore wind capacity will be operational by 20301, representing between $28 – $57 billion of investment in the U.S. economy."
An October 2021 analysis by the United Kingdom-based 4 Day Week campaign of the desirability, feasibility, and implementation potential for a four-day week in the construction sector. [Originally posted at https://6a142ff6-85bd-4a7b-bb3b-476b07b8f08d.usrfiles.com/ugd/6a142f_1d27dbad6db34288b66acf689a131da2.pdf]
An October 2021 report from the U.S. non-profit Natural Resources Defense Council that asserts that bioclaim is based on the erroneous premise that bioenergy on its own is carbon neutral. [Originally posted: https://www.nrdc.org/sites/default/files/bad-biomass-bet-beccs-ib.pdf]
A briefing from the OECD examining the steel industry need to "shift away from current production methods towards new methods of production".
A November 2021 report from the International Atomic Energy Agency on "the possible role of nuclear power in managing the climate change challenge".
The International Atomic Energy Agency held a forum in 2019 under the thesis that "Nuclear power can make a significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) worldwide, while at the same time meeting the increasing demands for energy of a growing world population and supporting global sustainable development."
A September 2007 industry-focused report from PricewaterhouseCoopers "to investigate and analyse the framework, the challenges and the dynamics of the CO2 reduction puzzle in the automotive sector by shedding light on the fundamental issues and putting them in context".
A March 2022 report from the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) exploring urban transport and the need to make changes that reduce carbon emissions but at the same time combat existing inequalities.
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe produced this December 2015 report looking at the relationship between transport and social, economic and environmental sustainability worldwide, providing deeper insight into the current state of the five dimensions of sustainable transport – access (mobility of individuals and for societies), affordability (of transport for individuals and society), safety, security and environmental impact (of transport and on transport).
An October 2020 report by the Center for Biological Diversity quantifies the climate benefits of putting the U.S. aviation sector on a new path to decarbonize in the next 25 years through three technology-forcing strategies.

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