Just Transition for All

A 2020 study which examines the economy-wide employment implications of an accelerated shift towards greener land transport in the region of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). [Originally posted at https://thepep.unece.org/sites/default/files/2020-05/THEPEP%20-%20Green%20jobs%20in%20transport.pdf]
A 2021 paper which is the first of the “Stakeholders in the Just Transition” series, aims to assess the ways in which financial actors can better incorporate the dimension of workers into their strategies, to mitigate risks associated with the transition and maximize the opportunities it can bring about. [Originally posted at https://financefortomorrow.com/app/uploads/2021/02/F4T_Integrating-workers-into-investment-and-financing-frameworks.pdf]
A 2021 research which provides a review of the expected changes in employment in Austrian and German automotive industry. [Originally posted at https://ideas.repec.org/p/clr/mwugar/213.html]
A 2022 report which explores some potential futures for the automotive sector, looking at 4 different scenario. [Originally posted at https://www.fnh.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/synthese_automobile-en.pdf]
A 2022 blog which reports on the project on a 'just transition' to electric vehicles in the automotive sector (with Alex de Ruyter, Sally Weller, Ian Henry, Al Rainnie, and Beverley Nielsen) that was funded by the British Academy, and the implications for the West Midlands. The focus here is on what skills mix is needed and where skills gaps are, and what the role of government should be to facilitate the transition. [Originally posted at https://www.open-access.bcu.ac.uk/13316/1/A%20Just%20Transition%20to%20an%20Electric%20Vehicle%20Production%20System.pdf]
A 2010 study which discusses the impact of climate change and mitigation policies on employment, identifies policies likely to facilitate the transition to a low-carbon economy, and examine how trade unions organize around the issue of climate change. [Originally posted at https://labordoc.ilo.org/discovery/fulldisplay?vid=41ILO_INST%3A41ILO_V2&docid=alma994636883402676&context=L]
A 2021 study firstly analyzes the materiality of the Austrian automotive industry and secondly links these structural features to meaning-making and the articulation of crisis construals and imaginaries by workers and their representatives. [Originally posted at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214629621002735]
A 2022 report which report presents the key findings and policy recommendations of a study examining the issues pertaining to a ‘just transition’ to zero/low-carbon vehicles for the automotive sector, drawing on case study research from the West Midlands region in the UK, and the North Adelaide area of South Australia. [Originally posted at https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/publications/enabling-a-just-transition-in-automotive-evidence-from-the-west-midlands-and-south-australia/]
A 2021 paper which presents a systematic map of the literature that examines the impact of historical coal phase-out processes on women and their role in these processes. [Originally posted at https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/14/18/5985]
A 2016 report which brings together two long-standing rural sociological traditions to address debates framed at the national level and for Appalachian communities facing the throes of transition from the coal industry. [Originally posted at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ruso.12098]
A 2020 study which proposes a recovery program for Ohio that is capable of exerting an effective counterforce against the state’s economic collapse in the short run while also building a durable foundation for an economically viable and ecologically sustainable longer-term recovery. [Originally posted at https://peri.umass.edu/images/OhioGreenGrowth_101920_FINAL_230.pdf]
A 2021 study which identifies Appalachian counties that have successfully transitioned from dependence on coal while sustaining growth, and assesses factors that facilitate more successful community transition. [Originally posted at https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/531201635134585522/pdf/Socioeconomic-Transition-in-the-Appalachia-Coal-Region-Some-Factors-of-Success.pdf]
A 2017 booklet which is a follow-up, six years later, to the first booklet that was produced in 2011. It is based on well-researched solutions for how South Africa can immediately begin a 'just transition', away from the Minerals-Energy Complex that continues to dominate the South African capitalist economy, to a low carbon economy in which the basic needs of communities are met in an equitable, sustainable and affordable way. [Originally posted at https://lifeaftercoal.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/OMCJ-booklet-AIDC-FINAL-4-Oct17.pdf]
A 2018 reflection paper which came after an event in which COSATU, NALEDI and Project 90 by 2030 with the support of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, hosted a discussion event in Johannesburg on 7th August 2018 to gather input from a number of stakeholders on this topic. This reflection paper brings out a few of the important points provided by each presenter and then identifies other key themes that emerged from the event. This paper is not a full summary of content from the event, but captures some of the main themes and aims to stimulate further discussion. [Originally posted at https://90by2030.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/3.-Reflection-Paper_Proof-3_18Dec2018_HighRes.pdf]
A 2018 reflection paper which came after an event in which the Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office (CPLO), in collaboration with Project 90 by 2030, hosted a roundtable discussion in Johannesburg on 28th November 2017 to gather input from a number of stakeholders on the topic of renewable energy jobs in South Africa. The discussion topic (A Just Energy Transition in South Africa: Renewable Energy Jobs - The Reality and the Potential) was informed by presentations from representatives from the renewable energy industry, labour movement and research institutions. This paper brings out a few of the important points provided by each presenter and then identifies other key themes that emerged from the event. [Originally posted at https://90by2030.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Reflection-Paper-6March2018.pdf]
A 2018 document which summarizes the findings of a two-year initiative and collaboration on Unlocking Green Jobs: A Catalytic Intervention between the World Wide Fund for Nature, South Africa (WWF-SA) and Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS). [Originally posted at https://www.tips.org.za/images/Unlocking_green_jobs_in_South_Africa_A_catalytic_intervention_Synthesis_report_.pdf]

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