Just Transition for All

Carbon Capture
A 2022 conference paper which outlines the production of hydrogen using coal or gas with carbon capture and storage (CCS), known as blue hydrogen. [Originally posted at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David-Walwyn/publication/363860831_Blue_Hydrogen_as_an_Interim_Phase_of_the_Just_Transition_Is_it_a_Feasible_Proposition_for_South_Africa/links/6332a0ad694dbe4bf4c435fe/Blue-Hydrogen-as-an-Interim-Phase-of-the-Just-Transition-Is-it-a-Feasible-Proposition-for-South-Africa.pdf]
A 2021 preview which synthesizes the findings of recent One Earth review by Martin-Roberts et al. which examined why carbon capture and storage failed to deliver on early promises and how it might nevertheless help mitigate climate change. This preview discusses implications for a 'just transition'. [Originally posted at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590332221006084]
A 2022 study which identifies a risk of policy commitment to ‘polluter pays’ having sustained negative outcomes for capture firms, along with offshoring/leakage of jobs and GDP, and associated emissions, as demand shifts to lower cost overseas production. [Originally posted at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14693062.2022.2110031]
A 2019 dissertation which makes the moral case for equitably transitioning away from fossil fuels in line with keeping global warming as close as possible to the Paris Climate Agreement’s more stringent target of keeping global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. It argues that we should do so while relying as little as possible on risky and uncertain negative emissions and geoengineering technologies, as doing so might prolong the fossil fuel era and pose grave potential costs both to the present and future generations. [Originally posted at https://digital.lib.washington.edu/researchworks/handle/1773/43733]
A 2022 article which explores tools and systems for ‘just transition’ using three buckets of scientific questions: (1) Technical: which GHG to remove, when, where, and by what mechanism; (2) Social-Policy: how to share GHG obligations between stakeholders to deliver the UN SDGs; (3) Data: how to create robust, trusted, and transparent data for reporting, accounting, and actions. Building on the analyses, this study recommends thirteen scientific evidence-based net-zero actions. [Originally posted at https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/15/15/5522]
A 2021 paper which describes an alternative narrative that can advance the debate on what role carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) may play. [Originally posted at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1750583620306605]
A 2022 paper which assesses the justice implications of three options that reduce emissions: CO2 capture and storage (CCS) on steel (up to 70%), bio-based steelmaking (up to 50%), and green hydrogen-based steel production (up to 100%). [Originally posted at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214629622001025]
A joint 2018 Boston Consulting Group-Prognos study examining "economically cost-efficient strategies for successful 80 to 95 percent GHG reduction by 2050." [Originally posted at https://www.bcg.com/publications/2018/climate-paths-for-germany-english ]
Analysis from the International Energy Agency asserting that The analysis shows that "one of the key technology areas for putting energy systems around the world on a sustainable trajectory will be carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS). In a path towards meeting international goals, CCUS is the only group of technologies that contributes both to reducing emissions in key sectors directly and to removing CO2 to balance emissions that cannot be avoided. This is a critical part of reaching “net” zero targets."

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Covid-19 and a Just Transition in India's Coal Mining Sector The COVID 19 pandemic hit India hard in early 2020, with negative GDP growth and a surge in unemployment. In the energy sector, coal fired power generation was already under pressure from overcapacity, low electricity demand growth, and increasingly competitive renewables.
Considerations for a Just and Equitable Energy Transition As the energy transition accelerates, it is our responsibility, it is our opportunity, to ensure that in addition to contributing to a healthy planet by replacing fossil fuels with clean energy sources, this is accomplished in a just and equitable manner providing prosperity for all.

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