Just Transition for All

Green Jobs
A 2019 paper which aims to bring back to the fore the decisive role of adequate measures for skills identification, development and recognition, in order to create labour market infrastructure capable of integrating sustainable development with decent work principles. [Originally posted at https://ejcls.adapt.it/index.php/ejcls_adapt/article/view/703]
A 2009 thesis which uses a transdisciplinary, sustainability-science approach to investigate the potential for the Hunter Valley region of New South Wales, Australia to make a transition to sustainability. [Originally posted at https://nova.newcastle.edu.au/vital/access/services/Download/uon:6253/ATTACHMENT01]
A 2021 paper which constructs a policy framework for supporting the greening of employment and a 'just transition' across the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). [Originally posted at https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/13/7389]
A 2022 article which reviews the green jobs definitions being used, note their shortcomings, and summarize criteria for green jobs being utilized by advocates and politicians – including President Biden. [Originally posted at https://www.onlinescientificresearch.com/articles/are-green-jobs-advocates-their-own-worst-enemies.pdf]
A 2021 policy brief which finds that around 20% of jobs in the UK and 14 European economies can be considered directly and indirectly green. It also finds some evidence that greener jobs tend to be ‘better’ jobs. [Originally posted at https://www.cccep.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Are-Green-Jobs-Good-Jobs_Policy-brief.pdf]
A 2018 paper which puts emphasis not only on employment problems but also on perspective of increasing employment rate in the Republic of Serbia (Serbia) in the field of circular economy. [Originally posted at https://anali.ef.uns.ac.rs/index.php/AnnalsEFSU/article/view/19]
A 2012 report which highlights occupational safety and health (OSH) as an integral part of the promotion of green jobs and a greener economy to achieve an economic and social development that is also environmentally sustainable. [Originally posted at https://www.ilo.org/safework/info/WCMS_175600/lang--en/index.htm]
A 2017 report which argues that the time has come to address the controversial realities that as a global community we are currently facing: climate change and global warming. [Originally posted at https://yorkspace.library.yorku.ca/xmlui/handle/10315/39294]
A 2019 report which identifies workers in sectors and regions at high-risk in the transition and examine their skills profiles while keeping the principles of 'just transition' in mind. [Originally posted at https://www.nerinstitute.net/sites/default/files/research/2019/working%20paper%20series%20no%2065_final.pdf]
A 2016 paper which seeks to analyze the policy position of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) to that of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in relation to the green economy and green jobs. [Originally posted at https://global-labour-university.org/wp-content/uploads/fileadmin/GLU_conference_2016/papers/7C/Cottle.pdf]
A 2020 study which examines the economy-wide employment implications of an accelerated shift towards greener land transport in the region of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). [Originally posted at https://thepep.unece.org/sites/default/files/2020-05/THEPEP%20-%20Green%20jobs%20in%20transport.pdf]
A 2010 study which discusses the impact of climate change and mitigation policies on employment, identifies policies likely to facilitate the transition to a low-carbon economy, and examine how trade unions organize around the issue of climate change. [Originally posted at https://labordoc.ilo.org/discovery/fulldisplay?vid=41ILO_INST%3A41ILO_V2&docid=alma994636883402676&context=L]
A 2017 booklet which is a follow-up, six years later, to the first booklet that was produced in 2011. It is based on well-researched solutions for how South Africa can immediately begin a 'just transition', away from the Minerals-Energy Complex that continues to dominate the South African capitalist economy, to a low carbon economy in which the basic needs of communities are met in an equitable, sustainable and affordable way. [Originally posted at https://lifeaftercoal.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/OMCJ-booklet-AIDC-FINAL-4-Oct17.pdf]
A 2018 document which summarizes the findings of a two-year initiative and collaboration on Unlocking Green Jobs: A Catalytic Intervention between the World Wide Fund for Nature, South Africa (WWF-SA) and Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS). [Originally posted at https://www.tips.org.za/images/Unlocking_green_jobs_in_South_Africa_A_catalytic_intervention_Synthesis_report_.pdf]
A 2021 factsheet series, which seeks to present the state of the art in assessing employment co-benefits, interconnecting climate friendly power planning and sustainable job creation. This joint factsheet edition connects policymakers in local and national government agencies with expert organisations and contact persons, to quantify specific employment co-benefits, assess policy options and unlock potentials for people and communities. [Originally posted at https://www.cobenefits.info/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Co-Benefits-Factsheets_Employment_2021-2022.pdf]
A 2021 collection of essays and papers which provides modelling and analysis that begin to answer some of the following questions: Can “net zero” be a net positive for Indian and global growth? And what are the development pathways that must be put into place in the next few years to turn this new climate ambition into a new, greener development paradigm? What are the changes to the multilateral architecture, to international regulation, and to local laws that must be undertaken if ambitious targets are to be achieved — or, indeed, exceeded? And how can we ensure that the transition is just and inclusive? [Originally posted at https://www.orfonline.org/research/shaping-our-green-future/]

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