Just Transition for All

A 2019 research which argues that CCS could play a key role in sustaining over 26,000 direct jobs in the on-shore support industry that have traditionally associated with oil and gas, and around another 18,000 supply jobs associated with this industry and the emerging offshore renewables sectors. [Originally posted at https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/67391/]
A 2012 report which highlights occupational safety and health (OSH) as an integral part of the promotion of green jobs and a greener economy to achieve an economic and social development that is also environmentally sustainable. [Originally posted at https://www.ilo.org/safework/info/WCMS_175600/lang--en/index.htm]
A 2016 literature review which finds that the green economy has positive effects on employment in both developing and developed countries, while the results can alter according to the type of measurement adopted. [Originally posted at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876610216302302]
A 2020 report which suggests creation of a European Job Guarantee (EU JG) as a policy tool for post-pandemic recovery. [Originally posted at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3715344]
A 2021 study which finds that, by 2050, jobs in the energy sector would grow from today's 18 million to 21 million in the reference scenario and even more, to 26 million, under the proposed well-below 2°C scenario. [Originally posted at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S259033222100347X]
A 2019 socioeconomic footprint analysis, which is based on the IRENA REmap energy transition roadmap 2018, explores a higher deployment of low-carbon technologies, mostly renewable energy and energy efficiency. [Originally posted at https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s41825-019-00018-6.pdf?pdf=button]
A 2020 report which provides an overview of recent employment trends at the global and EU-28 level related to the greening and decarbonisation of the economy, with a focus on the energy sector. [Originally posted at https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/343467849.pdf]
A 2021 paper which assesses the impact of decarbonization on the energy system and related employment in South Africa. [Originally posted at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1462901121001532]
A 2021 work which adapts a methodology based on employment factors to project future changes in quantity and composition of direct energy supply jobs for two scenarios - (1) relatively weak emissions reductions as pledged in the nationally determined contributions (NDC) and (2) stringent reductions compatible with the 1.5 °C target. [Originally posted at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301421521005073]
A 2022 report which examines the climate crisis in Rhode Island and outlines a set of high-impact climate jobs recommendations designed to maximize the state's actions to do three things: 1) Create thousands of good-paying, high-quality jobs that help reverse inequality, 2) Drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions to avoid the worst impacts of climate change and meet the state's Act on Climate targets, and 3) Invest in infrastructure that will make Rhode Island communities healthier, more resilient and more equitable. [Originally posted at https://ecommons.cornell.edu/handle/1813/110931]
A 2019 report which is a revised proposal following the outcomes of the concluding conference held on 29 May 2019. [Originally posted at https://www.nationalplanningcommission.org.za/assets/Documents/Vision%20and%20Pathways%20for%20a%20Just%20Transition%20to%20a%20low%20carbon%20climate.pdf]
A 2017 report which argues that the time has come to address the controversial realities that as a global community we are currently facing: climate change and global warming. [Originally posted at https://yorkspace.library.yorku.ca/xmlui/handle/10315/39294]
A 2021 report which discusses the transition from coal under EU recovery programmes. [Originally posted at https://www.ceps.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/PI2021-06_From-coal-to-low-carbon.pdf]
A publications which aims to shed a light on the necessary topdown approaches and strategic decisions on an EU or member-state level, but also on bottom-up initiatives on the local level stemming from municipal stakeholders or NGOs. [Originally posted at https://europeum.org/data/articles/empowering-serbian-csos-involved-in-the-decarbonization-process-through-the-v4-experience.pdf]
A 2022 report which argues that making 'just transition' possible demands the mobilisation of high amounts of resources by rethinking fiscal systems and applying innovative financial solutions; reaching broad consensus across income groups, generations and territories by crafting a new sustainable social contract; and working to forge new active regional and international partnerships. [Originally posted at https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/41464f87-en.pdf?expires=1669389246&id=id&accname=guest&checksum=C6425536655DA936788A11FAA25DAE48]
A 2022 book which is a unique edited volume developed as part of a broader transnational project of the Green European Foundation. [Originally posted at https://gef.eu/project/jt-book/]

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